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Building Upon an Passionate Following for a Notable Consumer Pet Brand

Our e-Commerce consumer pet products client has a valuable product with a passionate following, but they were having a hard time building a following and getting engagement.

The Results

+10K%Increase in Instagram following in 6 months

+5%Daily increase in Instagram


They were using user-generated content without a brand aesthetic or cohesive voice that caused their account to look more like a personal account than a successful brand.

Their following is emotionally attached to the brand so strictly promotional posts were off-putting and did not provide value.


We developed a unified brand image and voice to be used across their entire social marketing campaign. This included an appropriate balance of promotional materials, testimonials, and “fluff content”. By sharing non-promotional content and customer spotlights, we were able to build brand attachment and increase engagement.

We combined this content strategy with a strong Influencer Outreach campaign, leveraging like-minded, influential people to support brand on their pages. All influencers were given the product to use themselves in order to keep testimonials accurate and legitimate. The final piece of growing their engagement and following included targeted engagement outreach where we introduced followers of non-competitive brands with similar target audiences to our client by liking their content. Our creative strategy, influencer outreach campaign, and targeting engagement efforts allowed us to build a loyal, long-term following.


Since beginning these campaigns, we have noticed consistent, scalable growth without reaching a plateau. On average, their following increases by 5% a day. This consistent growth has increased their overall following by 9,836% in just 6 months, while only increasing the number of people they are following by 200%.

Their average engagement rate has also significantly jumped, increasing by nearly 2,000%. This authentic approach at growing an audience also led to an increase of Instagram traffic to the site. Compared to the previous 6 month period, this client increase Instagram traffic by 3,644% and Instagram revenue by 3,167%.

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