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Brand partnership solutions that drive growth

Use our resources and groundwork to your advantage. Dominate your space and grow your audience and increase brand awareness through targeted brand partnerships

Our proven approach to brand partnerships moves the needle – here’s our process:


After conducting a strategic analysis of your brand and competitors, we’ll research and identify brand partners, facilitating the conversations that allow us to create a brand partnership program specifically tailored to your needs.


Using an array of tactics – like giveaways, cross-promotional efforts, custom packaging, co-branded products and bundled sets – our focus on brand awareness ensures you reach the defined overall goals you’ve established.


Power Digital has a meticulously curated Rolodex of contacts across virtually every industry – from food to fashion to fitness and beyond. Our first-hand access to industry insights, combined with the constant pulse we’ve got on the brand partnership and media landscape, means we can offer you unparalleled opportunities.

Execution & Results

Our meaningful alliances ensure all partnerships are a win-win, for both parties involved. From the first post or outreach, we manage brand partnerships from start to finish, continuously finding ways to further relationships beyond the initial collaboration phase.

Power Digital Marketing


Be seen for everything existing and potential customers are searching for.
Power Digital Marketing


Fully customized media relations strategies that build everlasting brand awareness and credibility.
Power Digital Marketing

Social Media

Build authentic connections with your audience through social media strategies.
Power Digital Marketing

Content Marketing

Inform, entertain, and engage at every stage of the customer journey.
Power Digital Marketing


Get the most out of your traffic by improving the site to generate more revenue.
Power Digital Marketing

PPC / Paid Media

Eliminate wasteful ad spending with ads people actually want to see and are targeted appropriately.
Power Digital Marketing

Influencer Marketing

Leverage the reach and credibility of your audience’s role models to increase brand awareness & drive sales.
Power Digital Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Leverage highly motivated and well-known websites to drive revenue for your brand.
Power Digital Marketing

Email Marketing

Get remarkable results with email campaigns that people actually want to read and buy from.
Power Digital Marketing


Creative, relationship-driven, strategic brand and celebrity campaigns to reach new audiences and expand marketing resources.
Power Digital Marketing


Expand your eCommerce empire on Amazon to reach an expanded segment of online shoppers.
Power Digital Marketing

Paid Social Advertising

Reach vast new audiences and increase lifetime value through the power of expansive targeting criteria and highly targeted ads.
Power Digital Marketing

Web Design & Development

Build an online experience that engages with customers, validates the brand, and drives revenue.
Power Digital Marketing

Digital Creative, Design, & Rapid Ad Creative

Masterfully designed ad creative and impactful campaigns that drive high engagement to maximize revenue.
Power Digital Marketing

Diligence (PE/VC)

Confirm which brands present the strongest digital growth opportunities, minimize risk, and scale existing portfolio clients.
Power Digital Marketing


Get your brand and products on the For You Page and beyond.

Use brand partnerships to engage and grow your brand through strategic, diverse messaging and tools.

Partnerships drive brand awareness, increase your following and more.

  1. Incomparable Brand Relationships

    We’ve dedicated considerable time, energy and resources to developing and nurturing powerful brand partners that span virtually every industry and vertical. We’ll tap into those incomparable relationships, helping you increase brand awareness, reach new audiences, drive revenue and more.

  2. Strategic Goal-Oriented Tactics

    Goal-oriented, strategic tactics across multiple digital platforms help build brand awareness with new audiences while keeping your existing community engaged.

  3. Complementary & Buzzworthy Pairings

    We align you with other like-minded brands to audience share via cross-promotional opportunities and loyalty options. This effective way to bolster reach and retain existing customers is something traditional PR strategies could never do as successfully. 

  4. Research & Thoughtful Approach

    Our approach to brand partnership management starts with ideation and doesn’t quit until you’re ready to. Whether your goal is to drive brand awareness, increase your social following and engagement or build your email list, we’ll get you there.

  5. Win-Win Solutions

    The trust we help brands build with one another relies on our comprehensive approach to brand partnership goal and reach. Our emphasis on setting realistic expectations and finding the long-term potential that’s available with your next brand partnership works in tandem with a future-focused mindset, leading you toward your goals.

Our work stands out – these clients agree:

What people are saying
It takes the right licensing partner for a brand to transcend its category and create collaboration that drives meaningful results for both parties. A Dozen Cousins tasked our team with securing their dream partner - the new Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, set to premiere in Fall 2022.
What people are saying

The Power Digital made it happen:

  • Establishing a relationship with Disney’s licensing team
  • Secured a co-branded packaging deal
  • Designed and implemented a cross-channel strategy across PR, Social, and Influencer.
  • Pitched and coordinated (2) branded events in collaboration with the film release


The partnership made for a great story – with secured media placements in Ebony, Mashed, NOSH, The Root, and more. (25MM+ impressions) The influencer campaign drove tremendous brand recognition with over 245k impressions from influencers alone.

Brand Partnerships: A win-win strategy

Expand reach, boost brand visibility, and drive revenue with a leading digital marketing agency.