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We’re a team of funnel-obsessed B2B marketing experts, passionate about driving consistent sales and company growth. We deliver unparalleled business results by creating strategies that identify, attract, and compel your customers to take action and buy.


Power’s B2B  Division is made up of team members that specialize in developing digital marketing strategies that align with business objectives. We focus on deeply understanding who your target personas and ICP are, and implement multi-channel strategies that allow us to reach them at every stage of their buyer’s journey. With a unique ability to optimize across the funnel and let data drive our decisions, we help improve efficiencies and grow revenue at scale.

We develop cohesive digital marketing strategies that drive the results that matter to your business.

Full-Funnel Approach

Drive performance at every stage of they buyer’s journey

Growth and Efficiency

Strive for outcomes aligned with business objectives


Let insights inform marketing strategy

What people are saying
Kristina Quinn, Vice President of Marketing
“PDM has been the center of our digital transformation. We went from a start-up to a global solution, and they played an integral role in all aspects of that growth. They support us in digital marketing, SEO, content strategy, Social Media, marketing operations, UX/UI, CRO, and web development. With the support of their forward-thinking sound strategies and in-house experts, we have grown all KPIs by double and triple digits.”
Kristina Quinn, Vice President of Marketing
What people are saying

Skip the trial and error. Grow bigger, faster.

Your team members are hand picked for B2B experience in your industry – their strategies are never a guess. 

Our extensive knowledge and research into thousands of analytics accounts, trends, challenges, technologies, and integrations puts you years ahead of the game.

Service Offerings


Convert the traffic you’ve invested in by driving quality leads

Public Relations

Enhance your reputation, visibility, and relationships among your target audience

Paid Social

Target and engage professionals and decision-makers with relevant content and offers


Increase your visibility and rankings to drive high quality traffic

Organic Social

Create and share valuable, informative content to engage and nurture relationships with potential clients within the social media ecosystem

Content Marketing

Create, distribute, and optimize content that drives lead generation, nurtures customer relationships and drives business growth

Email/Nurture Marketing

Strategically deliver relevant content and communications to nurture leads, guiding them through the buying journey

Paid Search

Reach a highly targeted audience of prospects who are actively searching for your products and services to drive high quality traffic and leads

Marketing Operations

Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing efforts to drive better results


Efficiently reach and engage potential clients across a multitude of digital channels leveraging data-driven technology


Craft engaging materials that resonate with potential clients, convey complex information clearly, and reinforce your brand’s messaging and value proposition

Web Development

Build an online experience that provides a user-friendly experience, effectively communicating your company’s offerings and facilitating lead generation and conversion

Case Studies

Enterprise software company increased SQLs by 122%

Through a tighter ICP definition and a more optimal media mix, we also increased paid Opportunities by 133% YoY with 25% less media spend

IoT Solutions provider cuts cost per MQL by 40%

By restructuring paid media accounts and refining our persona targeting, we doubled MQL volume while simultaneously getting more efficient

Logistics consulting firm sees a 7x increase in Organic traffic

Data-backed website optimizations enabled us to capture nearly 500 additional page 1 keywords, more than tripling Organic-sourced Opportunities

Full-funnel approach yields 28% more sign-ups for website hosting provider

Power Digital helped revamp creative, messaging, and targeting by funnel stage to drive incremental results with minimal changes to media spend

Frequently Asked Questions about B2B Marketing

What is a B2B funnel audit?

The Power Digital B2B audit is a crucial step in our methodology. Our team will perform a comprehensive review of your current marketing efforts and your sales funnel to develop a deep understanding of your B2B marketing strategy and where improvements can be implemented. Specific elements of evaluation include visitor behavior, pipeline analysis, channel attribution, nurturing and automation, and existing content materials. We will then use these findings to develop a robust strategic plan that will help increase the effectiveness of your funnel and grow your business.

What is lead generation?

Lead generation is the process of attracting prospects to your company and converting them into interested customers. This could include job applications, blog posts with web forms, collecting registration information for live events, and other online content containing visitor information. Gathering specific information about visitors in this way allows us to identify interest in what your company is offering so you can follow up with them. If a visitor inputs their contact information to receive access to a whitepaper your company published, you can follow up on this lead with information about a relevant service you provide.

What is a buyer persona?

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer. The development of these personas is based on market research and real data from your existing customers. Our team then extrapolates the data to find patterns and create detailed personas highlighting the customer’s needs, interests, background and more. Using these personas helps you relate to your key buyers and deliver better content and messaging. This practice is known as persona marketing and can be extremely effective in producing results.

What is a marketing funnel?

A marketing funnel is a process that your potential customers go through to become your existing customers. The buyer journey is outlined from the customer’s initial discovery of your business to their purchase. A marketing funnel is designed to create an automated system that helps facilitate the prospect’s purchasing decision and shows them why your product is the best choice for their needs. As a bonus, a marketing funnel provides measurable checkpoints throughout the customer journey so you can identify any issues quickly.

What is lead scoring?

Lead scoring is the practice of giving each of your marketing leads, or prospective customers, a score based on a set of predetermined factors. You can utilize a variety of factors to help determine the score such as a customer’s professional information or how they have previously engaged with your website and other platforms. Every company will have a different model for scoring their leads. One of the most frequently used techniques to develop your value system is to use data from previous leads to find a baseline. This entire process is part of our B2B services.

What are sales enablement materials?

Sales enablement materials are the assets your sales team requires to close more deals. These could include pitch decks, one-sheets outlining case studies, social media marketing assistance and more! Your marketing and sales teams strongly rely on each other to achieve success which is why we stress the importance of alignment between the two departments.

Sales enablement materials help to facilitate this relationship and ensure everyone is on the same page.

How do you attribute leads to marketing campaigns?

Without getting into too much technical detail, we can attribute leads to specific marketing campaigns using UTMs and dashboards within your CRM enhanced with Google Analytics. This method provides us with a complete picture of which campaigns are yielding results. There are many attribution models you can choose from. Thankfully, our team is experienced in all of them and can implement the correct attribution scheme to use in conjunction with your b2b digital marketing strategy.

An appraisal so in-depth, other digital and experiential marketing agencies would bill for it.

For you, it’s a free taste of the value we promise to bring to your business and just the start of what we can achieve together.

“I wish I could have found you guys years ago.”

Director of Strategic Partnerships, Shipware

Whether you need support increasing brand awareness in your industry or want to revamp performance channels for better results, there are no strings attached - ever.
  1. Zero Pressure

    Whether you need support increasing brand awareness across the B2B category or want to revamp performance channels for better results, there are no strings attached – ever.

  2. Baseline Evaluation

    We put a spotlight on your brand’s marketing campaign gaps and missed opportunities.

  3. Competitive Analysis

    Start by taking a look at what the competition is doing and how we can do it better, then review an in-depth SWOT analysis evaluating key differentiators and hurdles impacting your ability to cut through the noise.

  4. Growth Strategy

    We’ll provide recommendations on quick wins you can implement immediately as well as high-level plans for long-term growth that can scale with your business in the ever-changing B2B landscape.

  5. Ready. Set. Launch!

    If you decide to partner with our one-of-a-kind B2B team, our partnership is already primed to hit the ground running with an actionable roadmap for success.