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How Power Digital Helped Victrola More Than Double Their Online Revenue in a Single Year

As a brand that had enjoyed huge success selling vintage audio products, Victrola’s retail tactics were in danger of getting stuck in the past. Despite e-commerce exploding all around them, they’d remained focused on real-world sales, through a trusted network of brick and mortar partners.

What we wanted to achieve

  • Relying too heavily on bricks and mortar retail partnerships
  • Looking to grow digital footprint and make e-commerce a viable channel
  • Lacking the knowhow and manpower to deliver digital transformation alone

What we did

  • Email marketing that increases brand’s presence in inboxes
  • Content creation that builds consistent brand identity
  • SEO roadmap that drives more traffic their way
  • Organic and paid social support that builds community and drives conversions
  • Pay-per-click campaigns that maximize revenue
  • Amazon marketing strategy to help brand stand out
  • Affiliate marketing expertise

The Results

115%Rise in revenue

31KNew email subscribers

108%Jump in transactions

160%Increase in website sessions

11KMore Instagram followers

What people are saying
Tim Trzepacz, Director of Commercial Operations, Victrola
“The results have been incredible. With Power Digital, it feels like they’re in our trench, supporting and understanding us. They’re like a partner and mentor in helping us get where we want to be.”
Tim Trzepacz, Director of Commercial Operations, Victrola
What people are saying

Want to grow your e-commerce footprint, but need a proactive partner to guide you?

Let Power Digital create the tailored, integrated strategy that drives reach and revenue for your unique brand.


Over-reliance on offline retail partnerships in an increasingly online world

While the business was still growing, they couldn’t ignore the fact that shoppers’ habits were changing. To keep pace with competitors, acquire more customers, and safeguard their future success, they needed to grow their e-commerce footprint. 

The business brought in Tim Trzepacz to help plug their digital deficit. And he could immediately tell it would be an uphill struggle.

“While we were well established as an audio brand, e-commerce was very new to us at the time,” said Tim. “Because we relied on third-party retail partners to sell our products, we didn’t have a whole lot of data about our end customers. Nor did we have full control over the content and messaging for the brand.”

As he settled into the role, Tim made it his first task to help individual retail partners raise their e-commerce presence. Next, he turned to the bigger picture of improving the business’s consumer profile, visibility, and positioning. 

“We built a central website to try to pull together all the messaging that was out there and get to one voice,” said Tim. “But, in hindsight, we probably built it too quickly through some local contacts, focusing more on expediency and less about quality.”

With an unsatisfactory website and major questions remaining over where to focus his attention and budget, Tim felt stretched and frustrated. 

He had to get serious about creating digital marketing strategies that would improve their brand identity, expand their audience, and transform their revenue. But he knew he couldn’t do it alone.

“I put a proposal in front of our board saying: we need to really knuckle down and partner with true digital marketing professionals,” said Tim. “We needed some pro support to build an understanding of our customers from scratch—and create an entire digital campaign and digital strategy from the ground up.”


Integrated cross-channel strategy that transforms e-commerce into a viable, profitable platform

As a seasoned marketeer, Tim had plenty of experience contracting with, and working for, digital marketing agencies. But he’d always found them to be one-dimensional; an expert in one niche, but not across the board.

So it was a pleasant surprise when he discovered Power Digital, a cohesive agency dedicated to providing 360-degree digital support.

“Straight away, I could see they were strong in all the different facets of digital marketing—a top-to-bottom full-service symbiotic partner—which is really rare in my experience,” said Tim.

What also caught his attention was Power Digital’s focus on ROI, right from the get-go. 

“I’d never seen a digital agency so focused on the investment return on your spend,” he said. “That piqued my interest and then the more I talked to them, the more I learned about their focus on profitability.” 

Tim selected Power Digital as his new partner to help steer his e-commerce success. 

Power Digital then created an integrated, cross-channel digital strategy for Victrola, encompassing:

  • Email marketing—Power Digital creates automated campaigns for customers and prospects that increase their presence in inboxes, as well as running the daily testing, analysis, and optimization needed to build customer data and increase sales.
  • Content creation—Power Digital’s copywriting team applies its writing wizardry across blog posts, landing pages and more to create a compelling and consistent online voice and identity for the brand.
  • SEO—Power Digital evaluated Victrola’s existing SEO performance both on and off site and created a new SEO roadmap that drives more traffic their way.
  • Organic social—Power Digital creates eye-catching, shareable posts that help build long-term relationships and a community feel with customers and prospects.
  • Paid social—Power Digital creates paid campaigns that helped Victrola learn more about their ideal target audience and then zero in on them to drive more conversions.
  • PPC—Power Digital provides pay-per-click ad campaigns, using detailed keyword analysis and constant testing and improvement to ensure Victrola gets more results, and more revenue.
  • Amazon marketing—Power Digital helps Victrola optimize its Amazon strategy and stand out from the competition on the highly competitive platform.
  • Affiliate marketing—Power Digital introduced affiliate marketing, where selected online partners receive commission on sales they refer. This has proved a cost-effective way to capitalize on existing loyal users and reach new partners interested in promoting their brand.

Tim loves the fact that none of these services are delivered in silos. Instead, teams work in close synergy to make sure any discoveries or opportunities are fully leveraged—and no opportunity for better ROI is missed.

“Everyone is super energized and when we meet, everyone’s there. There’s the email person, paid search person, affiliate person, content person… No one comes and goes. It’s all one big meeting,” said Tim.


Transforming into a $1m e-commerce business in just a year

Thanks to the strategies implemented by Power Digital, Tim has seen e-commerce grow into an almost $1m business in the past year.

Revenue has rocketed 115%, web sessions have jumped 160%, and customer transactions have risen by 108%. 

“The results have been incredible,” said Tim. “It doesn’t feel like a customer service provider relationship at all with Power Digital. It feels like they’re in our trench, supporting and understanding us. They’re like a partner and mentor in helping us get where we want to be.”

Alongside the fantastic financial metrics, Power Digital’s integrated workflow has helped Victrola grow their email list by 30,000+ subscribers. 

Their social media reach has skyrocketed too, with Instagram followers up 11,000 and Facebook audience up 4,500. For a business that had zero presence on social channels just a year ago, this is a big deal, putting their brand and their products in front of a vast, new, engaged audience.

“The biggest impact has been on the social and customer acquisition side,” said Tim. “Our email file has grown by twice as much as we’d hoped and our social engagement has just been crazy, so they’ve really exceeded our expectations.”

Another big win has been the vast pool of data Power Digital has generated about their customer base.

“We learned about a demographic we never knew we had, which helps us target our marketing strategies better and make sure our brand is in all the right places,” said Tim. 

What Tim appreciates most about Power Digital is their proactive approach to getting the best outcomes for his business.

“They are really tenacious,” said Tim. “We run a pretty crazy ship over here as we grow this company quickly, but they are on us non-stop. If we miss a deliverable or have an opportunity that’s not being developed fully, they really push us forward. 

“Power Digital feels like part of the team. We both have our sleeves rolled up and they’re always pushing the envelope, asking for more, trying to learn more, and asking more of me and my team. They’re absolute pros!”

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