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PR Coffee Chat: How PDM Reports on Public Relations

July 14, 2017
Table of Contents

The Power Digital PR squad discusses top considerations when reporting for the PR channel in particular and also emphasizes the importance of identifying client goals and measurement tools to do so efficiently.

Brand Awareness

A lot of PR professionals are asking themselves “should I stop at brand awareness as a success metric for PR? Am I losing clients because I can’t measure my wins?”As a PR professional it’s important to ensure that your performance evaluation  just stop at brand awareness, but that you can also value your public relations efforts much for quantitatively.

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Google Analytics

In order to quantify your PR efforts, you have to dive into Google Analytics to help you identify the conversions your posts are generating, the traffic back to your client’ website and the behavior metrics generated from your placement. All of these metrics are supporting the overall goal of almost all clients, traffic and revenue in one way or another.

Vocalize Enthusiasm

“If you don’t promote yourself, no one else will.” This is one of our favorite quotes from Power Digital CEO, Grayson Lafrenz. When you are reporting to a client, make sure you are expressive! That might mean taking a moment to reevaluate what makes the client excited and how to best voice a win using the inflection and tone of your voice.


Reporting is your time to shine. It’s critical that you prep well for your reporting meetings so that you are able to address the many questions that will likely be thrown at you and be able to defend some of the not so strong findings. Also, by preparing for reporting meetings, you are naturally given an extra boost of confidence which allows you to totally impress and feel great about a report conducted flawlessly.

Take reporting seriously. Client’s definitely do and it’s important you are using your resources and time wisely to ensure you are getting credited with the value you deserve and providing the utmost value to your client.

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