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Importance of Web Animations

December 13, 2018
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Websites used to be very plain with minimal intention to focus on user experience.  Websites were more for the purpose of displaying information since, at the time, we didn’t have the capability to create attractive visual experiences. Things have changed, and now with HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript, website design has been revolutionized and we are able to reproduce high-quality designs for websites as well as integrating cool and mind-blowing animations.

Why Use It?

Since the website design has drastically improved through different tools, animations have been part of this. Nowadays, we are trying to create eye-catching websites to create better conversions and attract users to buy, click, and view things on our websites. Animations play a fundamental role in these conversions. Animations are very useful in different ways, but improving the UX/UI of a website or web app is one way, in particular, has shown incredible conversion. Users not only feel attracted to these animated designs, but they value the innovation and smoothness placed on different steps throughout the site.

Animations are an interaction that also helps to explain simple processes since users can easily understand what to do, or what it is going on with certain images and animations since they serve as navigation and provide useful information.


There are many different kinds of animation that are very well used in websites, but here are a few that play a most important role for user experience:

Common Types

Tool Tips

Tooltips are great to show an extra information. Specially used in forms to see what is a field for, and indicates how should be filled.


Hover effects are great, especially if you are trying to extra attract a user as they pass their cursor over a certain item. This way, it catches its attention as soon as the consumer hovers an item. It is a useful way to show which elements are clickable.


Loadings are essential ways to keep the user entertained during load time, and also to inform them of the level of progress, or how much time is left. This prevents users from wrongly assuming that there may have been an internet error, and remind them that the page is continuing to load.



Input animations are great, and are often combined with tooltips and validations. This way, the user is able to quickly fix errors and fill missing fields to complete the form.



Parallax is often used in background sections to create a seamless effect on the page while the users are scrolling. Parallax serves as background story being told to appeal to the user as they browse.


Animations on menus play a great role on UI/UX. Menus are types of animations amaze the user and keep them interactive, allowing them to see all the content throughout the page.

Page Transitions

Page transitions are not only a great way to load a website, but they are also used for entertainment on the screen as the page is loading. As a bonus, if page transitions are done via ajax, it could reduce the page load by a ton!


Since web design has drastically improved, web animation plays a key role for website designers to draw more users in. Most are trying to use it more and more, not only to fill the page, but also to indicate the workflow of a page. We use animation to indicate errors in forms, where to click, improve conversions, and so much more. The attention of a user often follows animations, which is the main reason for their use. Other than that, Animation is also helpful to distract the user while the content loads, making it seem to be quicker while also allowing them to see movement or progress up front.



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