Trending Animation Libraries in 2018
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Having a great web design is key, but if you don’t spice your site design and content up a little bit, it may look flat, which does the opposite of helping attract users. JavaScript and CSS have improved engines substantially in the last couple of years, which has revolutionized the front end aspect of websites. Now, with the power of JavaScript & CSS3, we are able to create mind-blowing animation. These animations amaze users by creating unique great looking user experiences.
Here are some of the best JavaScript and CSS Animation Libraries trending in 2018.
As stated on its website, “animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness.” This animation library comes in handy when starting a new project that needs a few simple animations. Installation is very easy, and after that, CSS classes are ready to be used!
GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP) is one of the most popular animation library apps for web developers. The popularity of this frameworks comes because of its crazy speed, the number of features, and compatibility. With GSAP, you are able to perform any type of animation that comes to mind, accompanied by amazing performance to impress customers
Similar to GSAP, AnimeJS is a very lightweight Javascript animation library that works with any CSS property, SVG, DOM Attributes, or Javascript Objects. The use of this kind of library will need a more advanced knowledge to put animation into use, but once you get the hang of it, you will be able to perform slick presentations.
Rellax is a very easy library to use for the purpose of performing parallax animations within your DOM. Rellax is very lightweight, and conveniently works with most browsers and frameworks!
BarbaJS is a great library to make AJAX websites. Other than that, it is able to make transitions between websites look smooth and seamless, and with a more advanced knowledge of BarbaJS, transitions will make a good impression for users. Another advantage of using Barbajs to make your AJAX website is that it will reduce the delay between pages, minimizing browser HTTP requests as well as enhancing your user’s web experience.
SVGs are for websites, but are even greater if you are using them at its last extent. Vivus is a Javascript Class that allows you to animate SVGs, giving the site’s components the appearance of being drawn. There are a variety of different settings that you can apply to create custom draws, allowing you to modify them however you want.
ScrollMagic is a very powerful library to create interaction on the scroll. This library is great on its own, but you also have the ability to combine it with other animation libraries to create even better scrolling animations.
Similar to GSAP & Animate, KUTE.js secures a spot on this list because of its high potential after being released for a short time, not to mention that it is completely free. Its great engine is able to deliver top performance, memory, & modular code efficiently. With all its tools, it helps to create seamless custom animations.
Particles.JS is a lightweight, dependency-free, and responsive javascript plugin for particle backgrounds. Particles.js makes this list as an animated design trend on the rise, and is a frequently used plugin for a large number of websites. This very lightweight, dependency-free plugin is able to create a great looking particle background that comes to be both very responsive and customizable at its extent. Particles.JS is super easy to implement and a great tool to start using in new projects.
Hover.css is a great collection of CSS3 classes, powered with a unique hover effect that can be applied to most elements such as links, buttons, logos, SVG, images, etc. It can be easily applied & modified for unique uses, and is conveniently available at CSS, SASS, and LESS.
Wrapping Up
Animations are becoming more and more frequently used these days, but remember not to overload websites with them. Choosing the right animation should be done in a smart way, strategizing what public appearance the website will have as well as considering the industry that is in. Nevertheless, whether you create animations in a subtle way or not, these serve to create more conversion & attract new clients. Animations can also help users to collect more information and to navigate through. With the animation libraries provided above, you are now able to help create a more engaging user experience throughout your future projects.