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Power Digital Soapbox Series: Regi Davis


Having candid conversations with other people about life, experiences, and knowledge is critical to individual growth. Understanding another individual’s journey and how they got to where they are today is a great way to learn and carve a path toward your own success. For this reason, Power Digital decided to create the Soapbox Series. The purpose of this series is to have conversations with informed, impactful individuals across all industries to learn about their lives, gain insight into important lessons, and ask questions.

Meet our Soapbox speaker: Regi Davis

Regi Davis is an esteemed actor who has starred in many critically acclaimed television shows like Grey’s Anatomy, West World, Arrested Development, and NCIS to name a few. In all of his roles, Davis aims to demonstrate a struggle that leads to growth and a greater sense of purpose and connection. 

We are delighted to announce Regi Davis as a PDM Soapbox speaker. Davis’ positive attitude and passion for his career is truly inspiring. Learn all about Regi Davis’ life, experience, and purpose by watching our episode below. 

Regi Davis Soapbox Episode: