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Why Your Company Should Invest in Video Marketing

by Christiana Minga

Video is an extremely powerful tool that allows you to speak to your audience, build relationships, and increase your following and value.

Why Are Videos Important?

  • The average internet user spends more time on sites with a video
  • Landing pages with a video have 800% more conversion than ones without a video
  • Click through rates on emails increase by 96% with a video
  • 59% of executives would rather watch a video than read text
  • Having a video reduces bounce rate on a site

Who Should Invest In Video Marketing?

Any company and any brand should have an about us and/or a sizzle video, both of which would be high production quality and a great opportunity to showcase your brand. Outside of that, other videos will vary. You could add DIY videos to support a blog post, or general testimonial videos, both of which could be produced relatively easily and at a low cost.

Whatever your industry or product is, chances are your competition is creating or thinking about creating videos, so it’s important to keep up with or hopefully, to stay ahead of your competition.


What Types Of Videos Should I Have?

From ‘Super Bowl commercial spot’ level production video to a do it yourself teaser, nothing is off limits. That said, you should absolutely look into the following:


  • Sizzle – Invest in quality, get creative, & keep it short!
  • About Us – Relate to your audience & let them get to know you!


  • Teasers – Grab a user’s attention & leave them wanting to read your content!
  • Testimonials – Increase your authenticity & provide value!


Videos are important because they are easy to digest, provide more credibility, and are likely to increase your site’s ranking on Google. They make your audience feel like they have a closer connection with you, turning your brand into something that can envoke emotion. Check out this article about video advertising on Facebook for awesome results! Or, for all you email marketers out there, refer to this blog post about using video marketing to spice up your email content!

“Instead of asking yourself if your business can afford to do a video, ask if you can afford not to.”

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