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What Can Brands Use Instagram Story Polls For?

October 6, 2017
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Instagram is rolling out many new features and one that is quickly taking over the stories of both brands and personal accounts is the new Poll sticker feature. Not only is this feature fun, it brings a new and even more interactive element to the popular app. Instagram polls can be used in many different ways to convey humor, get feedback on a serious topic, or learn more about what kind of content followers are interested in.

At first glance this tool might seem like just another way you can have some fun on Instagram story but as a brand it actually gives you an incredibly unique opportunity. Keep reading for the different ways brands can leverage Instagram Story polls to gather audience insights.

What Should Our Next Post Be?

Ask your audience questions about the kind of content you should produce next. For bloggers and brands alike, creating content that resonates with your audience is essential. If you’re not sure what you want your next blog post to be about, let your followers decide. Crafting up a quick poll is as simple as a couple button clicks and then you’ll know what direction to take your next post.

Related: What Are Instagram Stories?

Not only does this give you valuable insight on what content your followers are enjoying, it will allow them to feel like an active part of your creative process. By allowing them to help you make decisions, they will feel closer to your brand and it shows that you value their opinion.

Although, you can’t expect every single one of your followers to respond it is likely that the ones that do are representative of your followings interests as a whole.

This vs. That

Gather insights on their favorite products or services that you provide. Doing a few simple stories asking them which product they prefer out of two of your bestsellers is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of what products your consumers are interested in. Not only does this new feature allow you to see the results, you can see what specific users voted for.

This is an awesome opportunity to understand who your consumers are and what motivates them about your product. By being able to see the specific people engaging with you and voting in your poll you can draw deeper insights about who your audience truly is.

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Running Contests

Another interactive way to leverage this tool is through contests. Contests through traditional Instagram posts have been a long running staple in most brand’s social marketing strategies and often times yield viral results. But as Instagram continues to roll-out new features, it’s vital to make sure your contest and promotion strategy stays up to date. One way we created an contest was by leveraging user generated content.

Related: How to Use Instagram Story Polls

We had users submit pictures of their pets and set up a contest asking followers which pet they wanted to snuggle with more. Whichever dog won, earned their owner a $25 gift card to the website. The reason this contest was so effective was because it involved leveraging our follower’s content but also incentivized them to enter with a prize. We also included a call-to-action at the end that encouraged followers to enter, as these contest will become a regular feature on our Instagram stories.

This contest format will encourage users to tag your brand which helps to increase your reach across Instagram and build more brand awareness. Also, users who enter the contest may ask their personal network to go vote in your poll which will help to grow your engagement.

Crack a Joke!

Another great way to use polls is to have a laugh with your followers. Posting fun and carefree content is a great way to engage with your audience in a low-pressure environment. Build rapport with your followers by having fun with them. Your social media platform is a place where people want to engage with you. It is a form of communication and a place you can foster relationships with your consumers. People like to see brands they love having fun on social, so don’t be afraid to get playful with this new feature!

Wrapping Up

Gone are the days of brands just throwing advertising out in the world and hoping to get a return. We know have the tools and resources to create a direct line of communication with our audience. It’s essential we listen to them and create content that gives them a positive and engaging user experience.

We can directly track user’s sentiment with this tool. Though it can be used in a fun way, it is important to recognize the valuable ways we can leverage it to grow as brands. As people learn more about this feature, the different ways to use it and strategize around it will continue to grow. These are just a few suggestions of how you can gain user insight, engage with consumers and drive brand awareness. How do you plan to use Instagram story polls?


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