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The SEO Advantage of Building Your First eCommerce Store With Shopify


What is Shopify

More and more small businesses have begun utilizing the variety of DIY website building platforms available online. Of the countless options you can choose from, Shopify is the leading eCommerce platform used by small businesses to sell products, as well as services. Shopify lets you choose from over 100 themes to customize your website to align with the company culture. Shopify is set up to give you huge creative freedom to set colors, add images and logos, and upload content so you can entertain to your website’s users.

Built in SEO

Shopify’s user friendly, built in SEO and marketing features allow small business to optimize their new websites to begin quickly driving traffic and increase conversion rates. Shopify has advanced SEO features that are built in to the shopping cart and content management system on every user’s website. The SEO friendly content management system allows best practices for customizing headers, title and meta tags on each webpage to help drive traffic from Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Ecommerce Analytics Assistance

Shopify gives each small business owner the ability to learn about their customers and track engagement throughout the online store. With the click of a button you can find out key demographics of your consumers, including where they are geographically located. This data can be used to more efficiently direct advertisements to your target market.

An additional resource is the ability to analyze how your customers are finding your store, what search terms lead people to your website, and URLs that refer to your online store. This data lets you figure out which marketing campaigns are driving the most leads to your website so you can more efficiently spend your resources. To make collecting sales data even easier, Shopify is fully integrated with google analytics and you are given $100 to spend on additional advertising if you create a Google Adwords account.

When you’re ready to start your first online business and become your own boss, be sure to check out Shopify to give you the advantage you need to succeed.