RLSA + PLA’s: A Match Made in Heaven
by Power Digital •
Product Listing Ads – we know them. We love them. We’re always trying to improve performance with them. Same story, different day.
So with the holidays fast approaching, let’s talk about something you may or may not be aware of: remarketing for PLA’s.
RLSA Primer
Remarketing List for Search Ads (RLSA) has been around for some time now, and has been a proven winner for many AdWords accounts. It basically overlays your search campaigns with remarketing lists so that you can either only show ads to users who have viewed your site and searched a keyword you’ve programmed into a campaign, or you can increase your bid when that same situation occurs. Either way, the reason it’s been so effective historically is because it pre-qualifies a user in 2 ways as opposed to one.
Sweet right? You bet it is.
Marrying PLAs & RLSAs
Now assuming you’re familiar with PLA’s (a story we can talk about another time if you’re not), it’s important to know that you can overlay your PLA campaigns with remarketing lists. It’s important to know this for the same reasons that we just talked about: pre-qualifying a click as much as possible.
Related: Top Five Best Pracrices for Paid Search
But there’s another added benefit we get with PLA’s that we inherently lack with search: volume. Unlike search, PLA’s are not shackled by the potential reach of keywords. Rather, they are at the mercy of the titles, descriptions, and other feed properties; which can cast a much larger net than that of a paid search keyword.
What does this mean? It means that while your RLSA Search campaigns have seen some solid results, but have generally lacked a lot of volume, RLSA with PLA’s could be a great addition as they will generate similarly qualified traffic, only more of it.
Tips & Tricks
If you do deploy this tactic and you don’t see more volume than your search remarketing campaigns, take a look at your search queries within your search console and your search terms reports within the AdWords UI.
Related: Google Product Taxonomy – A Helpful Guide
When you’re looking at that data, highlight some of the terms that are getting a lot of impressions/clicks and start incorporating some of those into the titles/descriptions of your product feed. In this way, you’re casting a much wider net for all that quality traffic, making PLA remarketing a more true-to-form remarketing tactic.
This feature has been out for a while, but this should either serve as a reminder to get this up and running, or an RLSA PSA for some of you. Either way, we definitely recommend getting this up and running for the holidays!