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Agency Life: Morning Rituals to Start Your Day Right


In my experience, getting in the right mindset heading into work makes a HUGE difference in how the rest of my day plays out.  If you’re  like me, you prefer to start the day on a positive note – which on certain days (every Monday) can take a little more effort than others. Unfortunately, every day can’t be Friday… so we’ve got to learn how to master the art of mind over matter. If we can do that,  we’ll be  more productive, happier, and more successful. Sounds awesome, right? While morning people may have an advantage here, we all have it in us to start our days right – you just have to figure out what works best for you!

Morning Rituals that Work

Coffee & country music do the job for me.  Happy music in the morning has a way of putting me in a great mood, and I find that when I start my day this way I have more energy, more excitement and have an easier time focusing on the positive. After chatting with the Power Digital team, I learned that my co-workers also have some cool morning rituals that help them start the day right.  We’ve shared some below to give you inspiration:

“As one day blurs into the next, I’ve realized it is hard to slow down and celebrate the wins and life’s gifts. As a result, every morning before work I sit down at my dining room table and write down 3 things I’m thankful for that day as a way to focus my thoughts and energy. This helps me push the positive to the front and make it top of mind, while the negative goes to the back. It’s a great exercise that reduces stress and increases my productivity.” – Nick Slettengren

“Every morning, I wake up about an hour and a half early for my “special morning time”. I don’t let myself look at my phone or computer and enjoy a cup of coffee and bowl of cereal. Knowing that I have an hour and a half of just relaxing, watching an episode of The Office, and some Honey Nut Cheerios makes waking up a lot easier. I am also a lot more “on-it” when I finally get to work because I’ve already been up for about 2 hours!” – Alexa Engelhart

“I always check the stock market first thing. Then I usually stretch before making coffee!” – Austin Mahaffey

“For me, I like to start my day by instilling confidence in myself and in what I need to accomplish for the day. I achieve this by taking a good look at my calendar for the day and for the week to get a strong understanding of any major needs coming down the pipe. Once I get there, I create a to-do list for my day to keep me on track.

Alternatively, I am a huge believer of mind over matter. I always take time in the morning to physically build my confidence, while clearing my mind, through breathing routines and power stances. The combination of truly understanding my daily commitments and the use of physiological tactics gives me the inspiration to crush the day ahead!” – Antonio Johnson

“I think mornings really do set a precedence of how the rest of my day goes, especially on a busy day. Starting it off on a positive note makes me happy and if I’m in a good mood it helps me to be more productive throughout the day. Whether it’s giving that homeless person I see everyday some change, letting the other driver have the right of way even it’s not their turn, or taking my puppy on an extra long walk and giving him extra kisses, I try to do the things that make me feel good every morning!” – Priscilla Jeng

“Firstly, before I even get out of bed, I give myself the biggest, brightest greeting; “GOOD MORNING, DENISE!” It may seem silly at first, but it empowers me to take on the day ahead with great energy and to start with a big goofy smile. Besides that, I always make my bed before I leave my room for the day. It’s a quiet moment amidst the chaos of getting ready in the morning, and there’s no better feeling than coming home after a long day to a made bed. Finally, I take 2-3 minutes whenever I can to stretch, or even better, meditate. I indulge in this quiet time knowing I have a busy day ahead.” – Denise Chang

“Make your bed everyday. This is a very simple thing to do that gives a sense of productivity and accomplishment because you have completed your first task for the day. Starting your day with an accomplishment it gives a feeling of pride that naturally makes you more inclined to complete other tasks.” – Bill Wilkinson

What’s Your Secret?

We shared our tips for starting the day right with you, now it’s your turn. Do you have any morning rituals you think our team might benefit from? Let us know! I’d love you hear your thoughts.

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