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9 CRO Facts That Will Convince You to Use It

by John Saunders

CRO is a trendy thing nowadays (in the digital marketing world, not necessarily on the streets). It’s the future of web as SEO becomes standardized and tactics begin to be consistent. As web designers, marketers, and entrepreneurs begin to find the perfect marriage between design and search, CRO begins to emerge as one thing: the last remaining frontier of being successful online.

Related: What Does CRO Mean and Stand for?

Below is an outline of different statistics I have pulled to show our readers how important CRO is and how often it has been ignored. While I believe popularity will grow in the next few years, I believe the demand is now, and it’s more than just an additional service to your digital marketing efforts… It’s the future pillar of any website’s success!

  • The average ROI on CRO tools is 223%.- Venture Beat
  • Companies typically spend $92 on average to bring customers to their site, and only $1 to convert them. – Cartoozo
  • Of the 36 conversion optimization tools and companies studied by a recent VentureBeat study, only two failed to generate substantial return on investment. – Venture Beat
  • Companies whose conversion rates improved last year are performing, on average, 50% more tests and using 47% more methods to improve conversion. -Econsultancy
  • In 2017, 62% of marketers have started to use CRO testing to boost lead generation on landing pages. – Ascend2
  • The companies’ satisfaction with their conversion rate has been decreasing in the last four years. Only about 22 percent of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates. (Source: Econsultancy)
  • Simplify. 20% increase in decision simplicity results in a 96% increase in customer loyalty, 86% increase in likelihood to purchase, and 115% increase in likelihood to recommend. (Source: CEB)
  • President Obama raised an additional $60 million, using A/B Testing. (Source: Event360)
  • Companies with 40+ landing pages generate 12 times more leads than those with 5 or less pages (Hubspot)

As you can tell, the performance ups from CRO testing is phenomenal, and all the while underused. If you;re looking for new ways to augment your web presence and drive more success, CRO is for you. If Obama can raise $60 million with it, what’s stopping you?




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