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Boost sales, enhance visibility, increase brand identity, with Amazon PPC management

Finding an Amazon PPC agency that understands your needs and goals is critical to your success.

Ready to maximize your Amazon sales and take your business to the next level?

When it comes to Amazon PPC agencies, experience matters. Power Digital’s intrinsic knowledge of Amazon Sponsored Advertising management means optimized campaigns that drive maximum sales. Let our proven track record of helping brands achieve exceptional results on the Amazon platform speaks for itself.

When it comes to finding an Amazon Sponsored Ads management agency, you want a partner who gets it. Data-driven strategies guide us as we optimize each and every ad campaign for maximum impact, allowing you to enjoy the following benefits:

Amazon Sponsored Ads expertise

PPC experts with extensive experience in managing Amazon advertising can keep up with the newest developments and techniques, ensuring your ads are always set for success.

Custom strategy and media plan

Every business is unique, which is why you need customized PPC strategies tailored to your specific goals and target audience – the right Amazon marketing agency can keep you on track from your advertising goals to your business performance and beyond.

Comprehensive support

End-to-end support for Amazon search advertising campaigns – from keyword research and campaign setup, to ongoing optimization and performance tracking – you need to partner with a digital marketing agency who handles your Amazon advertising efforts from A to Z so you can focus on growing your business.

Analytics and Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC)

When it comes to PPC advertising, data is everything. Analytics and reporting through the Amazon Marketing Cloud combine to form a dynamic duo in a safe environment. This setup maximizes Amazon PPC campaign ROI and provides detailed performance reports with full visibility into campaign metrics, so you can make informed decisions based on your goals.

Amazon PPC management services offer maximum impact

Seasoned Amazon search advertising experts provide data-driven strategies

The difference is clear – Amazon PPC management offers:
  1. Amazon organic strategy & catalog management

    An experienced Amazon search advertising agency knows how to employ a unique organic strategy and catalog management mix. We also leverage Amazon SEO strategies to meticulously optimize your product listings with the most fitting keywords to boost visibility, enhance exposure and increase brand awareness.

  2. Value Amazon search advertising

    Tackling the vast eCommerce website can be daunting. Only an experienced Amazon advertising agency can use state-of-the-art Pay-Per-Click strategies that offer your brand visibility while driving sales. 

  3. Amazon DSP advertising

    The utilization of Amazon Demand Side Platform (DSP) advertising is game-changing, allowing brands to connect more deeply with their target audience while enhancing visibility and fueling revenue growth.

  4. Cross-channel Amazon strategy

    Align your marketing strategies to boost visibility in a crowded marketplace. We’re not an Amazon agency that simply just manages campaigns – we infuse data intelligence and marketing expertise to maximize ad spend efficiency and ROI across multiple channels for maximum exposure using paid social, influencers and other tactics to reach the right audience in the right place.

Trusted by industry leaders.

What people are saying
Power Digital’s strategic retail marketing playbook fuels omnichannel growth for Catalina Crunch
What people are saying

A Quick Glance:

Through a full-funnel retail marketing strategy championed by Power Digital, Catalina Crunch exceeded their aggressive revenue goals and were able to effectively allocate their media dollars in an overwhelming retail media landscape. We did this by reaching the right customers across platforms, acquiring them through conversion-ready, SEO-optimized product pages, and retaining them through calibrated remarketing strategies.

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Increase visibility and boost sales with an Amazon PPC agency management

Improve visibility, increase traffic and drive conversion rates and sales on your listings with effective Amazon PPC management strategies that move the needle.